MIM - 059 771117 - moee06000a@istruzione.it - Cod. Mecc. MOEE06000A

Activity to practise the question words

Un modo divertente per esercitarsi con le question words è quello di fare preparare agli alunni delle maschere che rappresentano diversi personaggi. Occorrente: piatti di plastica, riviste con immagini di persone, forbici ,colla. Procedimento: ogni alunno sceglie dalle riviste un personaggio famoso o non, ritaglia l'immagine e la incolla sul retro del piatto di plastica. Tutti gli alunni mettono la maschera sul viso assumendo una nuova identità. A questo punto vanno in giro per la classe scegliendosi a vicenda e rivolgendosi diverse domande per conoscersi praticando le question words in modo divertente e spontaneo: What's your name? What's your surname? How old are you? Where are you from? Where do you live? What's your favourite food...sport...friend...school subject?

A funny way to practice in question words is to get pupils make masks of differents characters. What you need: plastic dishes, magazines with pictures of people, scissors, glue. Directions: each pupil chooses in the magazines a character, famous or not, cuts the picture and glues it in the back of the plastic dish. All of the pupils wear a mask on their faces in order to have a new identity. Now they move in the classroom choosing each other and asking different questions to know each other, so they practice the question words in a funny and spontaneous way: What’s your name? What’s your surname? How old are you? Where are you from? Where do you live? What’s your favourite food…sport…friend…school subject…?